Aubriana Bishop, a freshly minted First Tee – Sandhills Alumni has expanded her role with our chapter this fall as an Intern.
Aubriana joined our chapter four years ago as a teen new to golf, quickly jumped in volunteering with programs, and had the opportunity to attend a National First Tee Participant Opportunity the summer after her junior year in high school. We are thrilled to have Aubriana take on this expanded role and our local chapter. Here’s a quick snapshot about Aubriana Bishop:
First Tee – Sandhills: Tell me a little about yourself? First Tee experience and future goals/endeavors/golf experience?
Aubriana Bishop: Hi all! I like to go by Aubri and I’m a freshman at Sandhills Community College! I started playing golf in 9th grade when I joined the Union Pines High School golf team! It was scary joining with absolutely no experience, but I was a quick learner and had First Tee to help me out! For the rest of high school, I leaned on my time at First Tee to build on my skills. Soon enough, I was not only the team captain, but one of the top players in my district! As for my school ambitions, after getting my associates degree, my goal is to major in a specialty of biological science, most likely genetics! I plan to at least get a masters and hopefully even a PhD in the future. Going into research as a career would be my dream, so I’m working hard to make that a reality!
First Tee – Sandhills: What do you love most about First Tee?
Aubri: My favorite part of First Tee is the connections I’ve been able to make. I get to meet people from all sorts of backgrounds and have made some wonderful friends along the way. Both in the lessons and when coaching, there’s always a fun and inviting atmosphere that I find unique and extraordinary. Its what made me keep coming back year after year for classes, then volunteering, and now my first internship!
First Tee – Sandhills: Who is your favorite women’s golfer and why?
Aubri: My favorite women’s golfer is definitely Lydia Ko! She’s not only a fabulous player, but honestly just seems like a nice down to earth person. She’s extremely inspirational for her amazing skills and performance despite being so young. In between her world records, she’s always smiling and laughing. I value her attitude over anything. You can just tell she’s there because she truly loves the sport.
First Tee – Sandhills: One piece of advice you’d give to First Tee Participants.
Aubri: The best piece of advice I could give First Tee kids is something I wish I could go back and tell my younger self: you’re never too old to do something you love. This was something I struggled with a lot in high school. When I first started golfing, I was convinced that I started too late. Everyone around me had been golfing since they were 4. How was I supposed to catch up to them? Additionally, when I first started participating in program at First Tee, I often felt that I was “too old” for the games and activities. I wouldn’t let myself get excited about them; I had to “act my age” and prove my maturity. I even stopped playing videogames or watching shows I liked because I labeled them as too childish. Now that I’m older and coaching at First Tee, I see myself in some of the kids. While its good to be mature, its so easy to let yourself destroy the things that make you happy. I’m so glad I’ve grown from then, and I’m also happy I’m in a position where I can steer these kids in the right direction.