Kylie Porter Chooses Gratitude Despite Life’s Challenges

Kylie Porter (right) alongside fellow First Tee – Canton participant, Ava Kemp.

If you’ve ever met Kylie Porter from First Tee – Canton you would never know all that she has overcome. Kylie has been a fighter since the day she was born. As a newborn, Kylie was transported to the Akron Children’s Hospital NICU as a 4-pound twin. Her parents had a priest called to the hospital to give Kylie her last rights, as they were told she wouldn’t survive. And if by some miracle she was to survive, she would never walk and would experience cognitive delays.

Kylie beat the odds.

Despite the doctor’s diagnosis, she has become a remarkable, intelligent young lady who is grateful to play her favorite sport…golf. Kylie has been a part of First Tee – Canton for more than seven years, where she is known for her amazing smile, positive attitude and hard work. Her parents truly thought they would never see the day and credit First Tee for not only teaching Kylie how to play the game of golf but providing a space where she could develop her character and values such as honesty, respect and acceptance.

“First Tee is more than just learning how to golf. At First Tee – Canton, I learned how important core values are to use everywhere. Not just in the sport of golf, but also in utilizing the values to help guide me in my everyday life. My favorite value is perseverance. In order to pursue your goals in life, you have to persevere and work hard towards your goals.”

Kylie has certainly made her mark at First Tee – Canton.

In 2019, the chapter honored Kylie with their first ever “Bill Hayes Perseverance Award.” In an effort to honor Mr. Hayes, a former volunteer who continued to serve despite his health issues, the award was created to recognize participants that also persevere in life. They believed that Kylie was a perfect fit to receive the first award.

Kylie recognizes how blessed she is and shares her story to advocate for other kids dealing with challenges in their life. Now 14 years old, Kylie has been diagnosed with Stickler syndrome, which contributes to severe hearing loss. However, she doesn’t let this stop her. Kylie uses her platform as a means to motivate young people and encourage them to find confidence despite their hearing loss. She uses social media to spread this message and share her story. Because of her efforts, Kylie was recently honored as a HearStrong Champion through the HearStrong Foundation.

She wants to inspire kids and teens with hearing loss and one day be an audiologist to help others like herself.

Kylie, you inspire us to learn and grow from our challenges.

In this season of thankfulness, we are grateful for our donors and supporters who help lift up our mission so we can reach young people like Kylie. This holiday season, when you donate to a First Tee chapter, they’re eligible for matching dollars, up to $1 for every $2 you donate, thanks to a matching grant program from Charles R. Schwab.  Find a chapter to donate today and join our mission to empower young people to build their strength of character through golf.

4 Ways To Encourage Positive Thinking In Kids

We all deal with highs and lows in life. Even as kids, we experience a variety of emotions that have a direct impact on our choices, and the way we think about ourselves. A bad experience can result in negative thinking which can be detrimental to a young person’s self confidence and outlook on life. That’s why positive thinking is so powerful— not just for adults but kids as well. Maintaining a positive attitude can be challenging at times, but through practice and encouragement it becomes a skill that can shape and transform young lives.

Just as you exercise your swing before hitting the ball, it’s important to practice things that can promote positive thinking. Our minds are valuable tools, and maintaining a healthy and positive headspace can improve confidence and drive in all aspects of life.

Here are four ways that you can encourage positive thinking in your kids:

  1. Always Give Your Best Effort – Parents and mentors should encourage kids to give their best effort as often as possible. At First Tee, we believe that it is important to help kids show up to the challenge, and develop the resilience and inner strength needed to give their best effort on and off the golf course. If kids can give their best effort in all of their endeavors, they will be able to realize what they are truly capable of. This can directly improve their confidence, and help them develop a positive attitude about the world around them.
  1. Give Back To Your Community – Giving back to your community, or causes that you care about is another great way to maintain a positive mindset. Volunteering can help your family connect with others who hold similar values and beliefs. Even activities as simple as tutoring someone on the weekend, or pulling a neighbor’s weeds can have a tremendous effect on the community you live in. When kids can see that their actions can make a positive difference in the world, they will be more likely to feel positively about themselves, and their community.
  1. Practice Positive Self-Talk – Parents and mentors should show kids the importance of being gentle with themselves and others. A great way to help kids develop this skill is to tell them to talk to themselves as if they are talking to their best friend. If they wouldn’t say something mean to their friend or loved one, they shouldn’t say it to themselves. The way we think directly impacts our behavior and feelings about the world. If kids can think positively about themselves, they will likely feel the same way about the world around them.
  1. Take Ownership & Responsibility For Your Actions – Helping kids realize they have control over the outcomes of the challenges they face can help build confidence and reduce overall anxiety. Reducing anxiety and practicing problem-solving skills at a young age can have a huge effect on how their mindset develops through the rest of their lives. Raising confident kids is one of the best ways to help encourage positive thinking.

First Tee guides kids and teens to strengthen what’s inside them and put it into action. It’s a priority for us to show young people the value of caring for their social and emotional wellness. So when they step up to the next shot, math test, or presentation they have the strength to move forward, aim further, and finish stronger than the last time.

If you are interested in getting your child involved with First Tee, you can learn more and sign up today.

Taking on Challenges

Taking on Challenges

Experiences can be some of our greatest teachers, and there are a variety of learning opportunities ahead for parents and students alike. While some will be fun and exciting, others may be challenging or difficult to navigate. Without practice or understanding, some of these new experiences are likely to leave students feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, if you can help your student choose to see every experience as one that can build character, they’ll always come out better equipped for whatever comes next.

We believe in developing experiences that are just as fun as they are meaningful. As a result, our students are empowered by new challenges which result in continuous personal growth and essential character development.

Going back to school is the perfect opportunity to practice growing through challenges. To help parents and students navigate their back-to-school transition, we’ve developed a few tips to help them get ready.

  • Use STAR
    • S stands for STOP and take a deep breath.
    • T stands for THINK of all your choices.
    • A stands for ANTICIPATE what could happen (good or bad) as a result of your choice.
    • R stands for RESPOND by selecting the best choice for what to do.
  • Identify Challenges and Support
    • Ask your child to identify challenges for specific subjects and social interaction
    • Work with them to create a list of people they can lean on for support

Each of these steps can plant seeds of mindfulness as students go through everyday life. Taken directly from our First Tee programs, where we prepare kids to face new experiences by helping them to identify their support team, reflect on their opportunities, and strengthen what they bring to everything they do. We define strength of character as the self-confidence to show up to the challenge, the resilience to keep going when you fail, and the inner strength to do the right thing even when it’s the hard thing to do. It’s what will allow your child to walk away from failure determined, not defeated.

With our over 20 years of experience, we’ll continue developing experiences that build character to empower kids and teens through a lifetime of new challenges and continuous personal growth. This way your kids will never face a challenge they can’t go through or grow through. To learn more about getting your child involved with First Tee, you can find a chapter near you today!

The Impact Of Having A Good Mentor

Having someone that you can look up to and go to for support is one the most important things a kid can have. Mentors give youth (and even adults) the confidence they need to confront challenges and come up with their own solutions. They provide a safe place for kids and teens to be themselves and have fun, while also learning valuable life skills.  

A great mentor has many traits— they can be a role model, cheerleader, policy enforcer, advocate, and friend to the students they work with. First Tee mentors have a sincere desire to be involved with their students, and treat them with respect. They practice active listening skills and empathy, while also seeking solutions and opportunities for those they work with. 

We celebrate each of our coaches, and recognize them for the unique role they play in young lives. In fact, research shows that First Tee participants think of their coaches as more than just teachers and counselors, but real mentors who have made a positive difference in their lives. 

Here are four ways a mentor impacts their mentees that were inspired and created by what our junior golfers have to say about their coaches:

1. Mentors show that you can never stop learning

They are always growing and showcasing that to their mentees who can feel inspired by how they adapt to life’s challenges.

“I constantly heard that sport emulates life, and life emulates sports. I didn’t understand this concept until I started the First Tee program. Through this sport, I learned accountability and responsibility for my actions and how to respond to adversity.  These lessons have affected my thinking about the impact I have on those around me and how important it is for me to strive to be my best self.”  – Quincy Crawford, participant, 2021 Scholar

2. Mentors help inspire students to be game-changers

Not just for themselves, but in their everyday lives and especially with their peers.

“Having an amazing mentor through the First Tee who I have developed a strong relationship with has inspired me to help others find mentors that can help them through their education and career.”Remi Shendell, participant, First Tee Scholar

3. Mentors teach the importance of active listening

Not only do they offer support, but they show how valuable it can be to listen to someone in both good and bad times.

“Coach Mary Beth McGirr has been a major influence in my life, helping me with golf and with learning critical life skills that will aid me throughout my life. She took me under her wing and has been a shining example for me to follow. Additionally, as a woman, she has been an amazing mentor and example of a strong, confident female for me to look up to and admire. Coach Mary Beth has been one of my biggest fans and encourages me to do my best. She takes time to talk about my golf, life, family and personal struggles. She has been an excellent example of a strong leader and businesswoman who consistently gives back to the game and the community.” –  Alyssa Caraballo, The First Tee of Roanoke Valley

4. Mentors guide students to lead by example

It’s easy to tell someone what to do, but more impactful to give students the tools and examples they need to come to their own solutions.

“Coach Donnie Caldwell, PGA has given me great advice with my golf but more importantly, in my life. He has told me ‘make choices today that you’ll be proud of tomorrow.’ I used to just make choices that seemed the easiest or most convenient. But now I take time to think about those big decisions and how my choices may also affect others. Without him and his advice, I don’t know where I would be with my life, and that’s scary. He has made me a better person and he has shown me how to make the most of my life.” – Braxton Caldwell, First Tee of Pine Mountain

As you can see, the impact of a great mentor is one of our strongest tools in life. Our mentors work to guarantee students that there is someone who cares about them and who will assure them they are not alone in dealing with challenges. Offered at more than 1,200 locations, our program was developed by experts in the field of positive youth development and is delivered by trained coaches, or as our participants say— mentors! 

Check with your local chapter about how you can become a mentor to a junior golfer in your community.

6 Ways To Show Up For Others

We believe character is learned, cultivated, and shaped by our experiences. At First Tee,  we focus on taking the valuable lessons learned on the course, and applying them to everyday lives at school, at home, and in our communities. We believe that part of being a good leader and becoming a game-changer involves showing up for others whenever possible. Here are six ways that you can encourage your child to show up and help others: 

At Home

  • Encourage them to help with household chores. By taking on important tasks around the house, they can help  maintain a clean space for themselves while alleviating stress on the whole family. Handling household chores develops a sense of personal responsibility, time management, and can build leadership skills.
  • Have them dedicate time to helping their younger siblings with homework. By spending time teaching their siblings, they can strengthen their relationships with each other, and exceed in their classes. Teaching others often builds intelligence and increases confidence.

In The Community

  • Encourage your child to help individuals in the community. By helping vulnerable members of the community, your child can make a real difference in their lives. Additionally, helping others will help teach your child compassion and empathy, two qualities of good leaders.
  • Sign them up to volunteer for a local nonprofit with ties to the community or neighborhood. Volunteering is typically a social activity, which will help build connections with other locals that are likely to share similar interests and values. Volunteering locally will also provide a sense of personal satisfaction, and will make your child  feel more connected to their community.

At School 

  • Suggest tutoring a struggling classmate. Teaching others is oftentimes the best way to understand a topic yourself. By tutoring others, your child will have the opportunity to show compassion and build relationships, while also helping them to better understand the material and become more self confident.
  • Encourage your child to befriend anyone who may be new to the community or struggling socially. By befriending classmates who are having trouble making friends, your child can empower them and help build their confidence. This simple act of kindness can play a major role in making other students feel included and more engaged at school. 
These six suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ways you can teach your child to show up for others. Our coaches and staff at First Tee encourage you to practice some of these suggestions, and come up with your own. We guide kids and teens to strengthen what’s inside  and put it into action. If you are interested in getting your child involved with First Tee, you can learn more and sign up today! 

Our 1st Round at Spyglass Hill GC

Today was the first round of the PURE Insurance Championship! I was set to tee off of the 10th hole of Spyglass Hill Golf Club bright at early at 7:21am!

We got to the course around 6:00am and I began warming up. I was the first one to arrive at the course… in the dark!

One of my favorite parts of Spyglass Hill GC is how many deer you see during your day, there had to have been 10 on the range, and so many more on the course!

After warming up, I was able to meet my PGA TOUR Champions Pro- Mark Calcavecchia. He came up and gave me a hug and was excited for the day, as was I.

In the weeks leading up to the tournament, I thought I would be more nervous than I was! But I had a good group of individuals playing with me and I was ready to go!

Along with Mr. Calcavecchia, I played with 2 amateurs, Paul Browning and Paul Hinnenkamp. They were super nice and very chatty. I think their personalities helped helped keep my nerves at bay.

It was a foggy and chilly morning but I had a great time! And above all, the views at Spyglass are immaculate!

My favorite stretch of holes on this course are Holes 3, 4 and 5. They are surrounded by the ocean and are by far the prettiest hole layouts!

After our early round, I had a free afternoon and was able to see the entire 17 mile drive and tour Carmel. Then, it was time for a nap and school work!

I am so excited to play again tomorrow at Pebble Beach at 12:06!

Practice Day at Pebble Beach!

Today, was the day! My practice round at Pebble Beach Golf Links! Whew!

We began our day at the range where I was able to warm up and practice alongside senior tour pros, amateurs, and fellow First Tee participants. The practice facility is amazing. Can’t believe we get to use it.

After getting warmed up, my dad and I headed to the Junior player hospitality tent right next to the range and got some lunch! The food was so good and very protein filled to get us through the round and walk that was ahead of us!

Next, we headed to Pebble Beach Golf Links! I got the opportunity to play with 3 fellow First Tee participants:

Sophie Thai, First Tee – Silicon Valley

Haley Wong, First Tee – Sacramento

Brenna Preap, First Tee – San Joaquin

Playing alongside us was amateur Michael Rubio from El Doroado, CA.

I feel the course was a good fit for my swing!! Two of my favorite holes from today were 7, the iconic par 3 which played 95 yards and 16, a par 4 which I was able to save par on with an 18 ft putt!

Finishing the round, walking up 18, was a surreal moment. Being able to take in each wave, and surrounding view is one of the reasons Pebble Beach is truly a dream experience. 

How do I feel after my first round at Pebble Beach Golf Links? Excited, relieved, and ready to do it again on Saturday!!

But, for now, I’m pumped to get the event started with Mark Calcavecchia on Spyglass Hill Golf Course tomorrow at 7:21am! Can’t wait to tell you all about it after. Thanks again for following!

Spyglass Hill, Legends & Leaders, oh my!

After a really busy and exciting Tuesday, I was able to sleep in a wee bit Wednesday morning before doing a little bit of sight seeing to the Lone Cypress.

Then, it was off to Spyglass Hill for my first opportunity on the golf course. This is the first time they have included Spyglass Hill as a course in the tournament rotation! For today’s practice round, I was paired with a First Tee participant from Fort Worth, TX and Morocco!

Our round started out a bit hazy but the air cleared as the afternoon went on. The golf course was spectacular and the views were incredible.

I am made a Hole in One on the Par 3, 3rd Hole. A definite highlight of my dad to be able to ‘tap in’ from about 16 inches!

We didn’t get to finish our round because Wednesday night’s event started at 7:30pm sharp and as past participants have told me, is a crowd favorite – Legends & Leaders!

Due to Covid protocols, this year’s key note speakers were virtual and all nine were built into a ‘movie’ style performance of their experiences with the First Tee’s Core Values. Marsha Oliver, who is a VP at the PGA TOUR, spoke on jugment. Her message resonated with me the most!

To make our ‘movie’ experience even more special it was a ‘movie under the stars’ and held on the 18th green of Pebble Beach. We got to enjoy movie snacks like popcorn, cotton candy, root bear floats, and candy bars! And, with it being a bit chilly, we were all given a big blanket with the PURE Insurance Championship logo.

Tomorrow is another big day! My practice round on Pebble Beach Golf Links! I can’t wait to share this experience with you. Thanks for your encouragement.

– Allison Robinson

Registration, The Hay & Pairings Party… oh my!

Hi all! Allison Robinson, here. I’m looking forward to sharing my week long experience in California with you. I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to represent our chapter and know that each of you reading this week have had a part in giving us these experiences. Thank you!!! 

My family and I began our Pebble Beach adventure Friday night by flying into the San Francisco International Airport. We spent the weekend exploring San Francisco and then made our way down to Monterey. We drove down the coastline and saw the amazing ocean views. WOW. Incredible!

Tuesday was the check in day, and…. my birthday! I never dreamed a better place to spend it!

My birthday kicked off with tournament check in where we were showered with some amazing keepsakes from sponsors of the PURE Insurance Championship and got to have breakfast overlooking the ocean! 

After breakfast, all pros, ams and juniors were invited to play The Hay, the newly redesigned short course on property at Pebble Beach. So, I spent a little time getting warmed up and then headed out to the course.

The Hay, was redesigned by Tiger Woods and opened this year. Each hole was designed around different golfers and is similar to the Cradle in

 Pinehurst. I really enjoyed this course and made 3 birdies! One of the holes is even a mini version of Hole 7 on Pebble Beach!

Later in the day, the driving range opened for us and I worked on my shots alongside pros Vijay Singh, Tommy Armour III, Mark Calcavecchia and Lee Jensen. 

After a short break to check into the hotel, I returned to the 18th hole of Pebble Beach with my dad, Todd, for our First Tee teen orientation, the Pairings Party dinner and Macklemore Concert.

At the party, we were asked to line up alphabetically and walk across the stage to get our envelope, which enclosed the name of our pro golfer. As I walked across, the announcer, Peter Jacobson, and everybody sang “Happy Birthday” to me. I was so surprised!

After getting our envelopes we were asked to find our First Tee Chapter banner with our names printed on them. Then, after a brief countdown, we were given the green light to open our envelopes. I learned that my pro would be Mark Calcavecchia!!! 

I am so excited to play with Mr. Calcavecchia!

Following our pairings announcement, Macklemore performed! Earlier in the day, I had the honor to meet him and take a photo as he was finishing his round on Hole 18 of Pebble Beach. 

Then, during the concert, Macklemore sang me “Happy Birthday!”

Pinch me! It was such an exciting night! 

I am super excited for the rest of the week, and can’t wait to play Spyglass Hills and Pebble Beach for practice rounds the next two days!

Thanks for tuning in and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!

We’ve arrived!

It’s Tuesday, September 21 and we are officially on property at Pebble Beach Resorts! Allison has officially check in for this year’s event and her day will continue with an event on the new par 3 course, The Hay; Participant Orientation and the Grand Finale of the evening… the Pairings Party!!! Later this evening we will find which PGA Tour Champions player she will get to spend her week with!

In the meantime, enjoy this clip assembled by a few of Allison’s friends sending her well wishes and a very Happy Birthday!

Robinson, First Tee Alum is headed to PURE Insurance Championship!

If we are anything alike, our summer days would be filled with a ‘no alarm’ clause and a slow to rise philosophy.

But, for Allison Robinson, this wasn’t the case on July 6. Her alarm sounded around 4:00am to awake and head out the door to compete in the Carolinas Junior Girls PGA Championship in Winston Salem. Though, it wasn’t any day, it was selection day for this fall’s Pure Insurance Championship Impacting the First Tee at Pebble Beach!

After teeing off at 7:00am for her first round, Allison would head into the clubhouse where she’d set up shop in front of a big screen television with her mom and best friend, Jaclyn Kenzel, a First Tee alum and previous participant in the Pure Insurance Championship. Then, she’d connect her iPhone to a shared Zoom call with family, First Tee staff and supporters so we could all await the moment together.

It was a moment a really long time coming.

Allison’s brother, Jared, had been selected to participate in the event in 2015 and since then she’d watched multiple friends go through the demanding process of completing interviews, essays and applications each winter to then sit by their side mid-summer as they’d await the nationally televised selection show on the Golf Channel.

But, for Allison, she had to wait even longer.

Her original application process occurred pre-Covid in late winter of 2020. A month before announcement day, we instead received word the Pure Insurance Championship would have to go on without juniors. A positive twist though, typically ineligible graduating seniors would be grandfathered in to re-applying for the 2021 event!

So, here we sat, virtually, across NC, awaiting the announcement.

The moment came and it was extra special!

Allison’s name appeared across the screen as we heard squeals through the speakers and echoing throughout the First Tee – Sandhills office.

Her immediate reaction was that of pure joy, excitement and gratitude. A long time coming for the now freshman at University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Today, Allison has arrived in California and is making her way to Pebble Beach where this experience of a lifetime will officially kick off on Tuesday, September 21. Is there a better way to spend your birthday?!?!

Throughout the week all 81 teens will apply the life and leadership skills learned locally during the one-of-a-kind event. They’ll be paired to play golf with a PGA TOUR Champions player and amateurs from the business world as they compete for the Pro-Junior team title.

In addition to playing in the Pure Insurance Championship contested at Pebble Beach Golf Links and Poppy Hills Golf Course, participants will have a number of off course experiences. From attending functions allowing them to network and be mentored by top leaders across the globe from various industries and life experiences to attending a concert held on the 18th green of Pebble Beach Golf Links!

It’s sure to be a week to remember. And, we want you to join us for the ride! We’ll be following along in Allison’s experience all week long with daily recaps and photography at

So, jump on your device, track her progress and leave notes of encouragement! The first big update will come after Tuesday night’s pairings party where Allison will find out which Champions Tour golf she’ll spend her week with.

We’ll see you virtually!

Quick 9: Denise W


Denise W, First Tee – San Francisco 

1. Why is mentorship important?

It’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed, especially since we now live in an extremely fast-paced world where expectations for us are very high, so having a mentor to guide us through our development process is definitely reassuring.

2. What makes someone a good mentor?

Listening and being able to communicate effectively are qualities that make someone a good mentor. With such qualities, a mentor will be able to offer constructive feedback which will aid in a mentee’s future development.

3. Who has been an impactful mentor to you?

My mom has definitely been the most impactful mentor for me.

4. What have you learned from her/him?

From my mom, I learned that no matter what the circumstances are, hard work pays off. My mom immigrated to the U.S. in hopes to find better future prospects for the family and despite not knowing any English, she still continued to work hard in the U.S. to achieve her goals. In the end, all of her hard work and efforts paid off because she was able to provide the basic necessities for our family and grant my siblings and I access to a higher education.

5. How did/does your mentor help encourage you?

My mom always tells me, “Don’t be afraid of failure. Just go for it!” These are words that I will always remember because they encourage me to try new things, even if I don’t necessarily succeed. It’s a way of telling me that failure is a learning experience and if I fail, I can keep trying.

6. Have you grown as a result of your mentor?

Yes, I have grown as a result of my mom. Her guidance has helped me become more disciplined and more open to new experiences and opportunities. Without her, I don’t think I would be the person I am today.

7. What would it mean to you to become a mentor? Or Do you serve as a mentor at your chapter or any other capacity?

For me, being a mentor is very meaningful and fulfilling because not only am I able to help others, I am also able to develop myself further as a leader.

8. Do you have any advice on how to choose the best mentor in your life?

Find someone who cares about you and is willing to take the time out of their busy day to listen to your needs and help you.

9. What has First Tee taught you about mentorship?

First Tee has taught me that both the mentor and mentee are learners. Both rely on each other as a resource for new perspectives and knowledge. It’s not a one way relationship where only the mentor is helping the mentee.